Ultrafit Manufacturing Inc.


UltraFit’s success is the result of a company-wide dedication to excellence as demonstrated by ISO 9001:2015 certification, many customer certifications and LEAN process management philosophy.  Its engineering expertise, skilled workforce and advanced manufacturing equipment ensure a creative, yet practical approach to every challenge. The result is consistent, reliable, high-quality precision on every UltraFit project.

27 CNC Tube Benders

  • 1” to 5” OD.
  • Mat. Thick. -0.8 to 4mm
  • Electric Bend Head
  • Multi-Stack w/ Push Assist
  • Compound & 1D Bending                                                                     

Tube Processing

  • Expand
  • Reduce
  • Reshape
  • Flare
  • Flatten
  • Pierce
  • Bead
  • Spin Form
  • Perforating                                                                                                    

Tube Perforating

  • Electric and Hydraulic
  • Dual Head Capability
  • Radial and Horizontal Perforating
  • Capability of perforating up to 4Ft long continuous or multiple patterns
  • Capability of perforating 2 different patterns in same setup